Saturday, September 2, 2023

Industry Standard

Seems like the people that inhabit Facebook are never wrong. And can never accept those moments they are wrong. I'm not sure if they arei blind to it, or maybe it's anger driving it, or perhaps it's a product of this modern world.

Specifically there is a writing group I'm in, and while it's maybe 85% productive, I see one person in particular repeatedly "helping" other people, and if she gets questioned about her input - legit questions, nothing bad - for example, the layout of a copyright page - she says what she has told everyone is "industry standard."

But she's got no special credentials, hasn't written a bestseller, never actually worked in the industry, yet everything she says is the "industry standard." I have researched a few of these and found there wasn't a standard, and it just gets old. What's wrong with people? It is truly and sincerely okay to be wrong. And admitting when you are wrong is incredibly respectable. Pushing BS is not.


I once worked with someone that was really great at what they do, however, a fatal flaw they had was that they always followed something up ...